Monday, September 26, 2011

Governor Brown Asks CPUC to Take Action Following Legislature’s Failure to Reauthorize Public Goods Charge

SAN FRANCISCO – In a letter sent late last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. requested that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) take action to ensure that critical clean energy programs, like those supported by the Public Goods Charge, are instituted.

The full text of Governor Brown’s letter is copied below:

Dear Commissioner Peevey:

Earlier this month, the Legislature failed to reauthorize the Public Goods Charge which supports many important efficiency and clean energy programs. In light of this failure, I request that you take action under the Commission’s authority to ensure that programs like those supported by the Public Goods Charge are instituted—and hopefully at their current levels.

As the Commission goes forward, please take into account the constructive ideas for program reform that were identified during the legislative process as well as ways to create jobs swiftly though investment in energy savings retrofits.

We cannot afford to let any of these job-creating programs lapse.


Edmund G. Brown Jr.

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