David Miller, one of three
candidates running to represent the new 32nd Congressional district, answers
Patch's questions ahead of the June 5 election.
By Hazel Lodevico-To'o
A native of Glendora, David Miller, 48,
is making his second bid for an elected office, this time for the Congressional
seat in the 32nd District.
The self-described conservative is
running as a Republican in the June 5 Primary Election and said he is
undeterred in running in the predominantly Democratic-leaning 32nd
Congressional district, which includes Monrovia, Baldwin Park, Covina, West
Covina, San Dimas, El Monte, and a southern portion of Glendora.
Miller made an unsuccessful run in 2010
against the entrenched David Dreier for the 26th Congressional District. This
time as the state attempts to rebuild during a fiscal crisis, Miller, a real
estate developer, said voters are ready for a change in government.
Patch interviewed Miller by email as a
part of our series of candidate profiles.
1. Why are you running for the 32nd
Congressional seat?
To restore the Constitutional role of
the Federal Government to follow Article 1 Section 8, to defend and protect the
Life, Liberty and property of each citizen from being taken and given to the
politicians special interest to insure they are re-elected every two years.
2. You have been very outspoken about
returning to the ideals of the Constitution. In what ways has the country
strayed from those ideals? In what ways can we return to them?
The ideals of the Countries founding
principles are; the role of government is to protect our intrinsic rights from
being taken from us by another. Now the
government seems to think it is incumbent upon them to take our rights and give
them to others.
The Constitution gives specific areas
(Article 1 Section 8) in which we the people have delegated to the Federal
Government. A few areas as an example,
where the Federal Government has no authority.
1. Education
2. Healthcare
3. Housing
The only way we will return to the
proper role of the Federal Government is if we have a citizenry that knows the
constitutional role of the government, and elects people to congress who will
follow the Constitution.
3. Patching up a multi-billion state deficit
will not resolved overnight. How do you think the state can begin to close the
massive gap?
Whether we are talking about State or
Federal budgets, the only answer to repairing deficits is to spend less than
you take in. Federally speaking it seems
without a balanced budget amendment the politicians are not capable of making
the tough decisions.
4. Would you have an instrumental role as
previous local representatives have had in bringing funds to the Gold Line
extension project? Why or why not?
State mass transit is not a
Constitutional role of the Federal government according to our Constitution. If
as a congressman I am supposed to follow the highest law of the land, then I
would hope the citizens' would want me to stay true to my oath of office. If the Federal government did not take our
monies through taxes and federal mandates California could choose to spend
their monies on what is important to Californians. It is not the responsibility
of one state to be responsible for another states issues.
5. Schools have long struggled with dwindling
state resources. How do you think the state should treat funding for public
schools and higher education? What should be done to maintain quality
Education is not a Federal issue. Again,
according to the Constitution I have no legal authority in the area of
6. What specific issues would be a high
priority for you if you were elected to Congress?
Spending and deficits; If we do not get
our spending under control our children and grandchildren will be subjected to
a life of servant-hood to pay the debts of the prior generation. I cannot personally sit by and do nothing and
allow my children's future to be destroyed by career politicians and special
Courtesy of Patch.com. See original article here.
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